BOSH Has Launched a New Training Course Dedicated to Improving the Health Conditions BOSH Has Launched a New Training Course Dedicated to Improving the Health Conditions

BOSH Has Launched a New Training Course Dedicated to Improving the Health Conditions

The British Occupational Hygiene Society, or BOHS for short is known for being the Chartered Society for Worker Health Protection. BOHS has launched a new training course that will be dedicated to improving the health conditions for those who work in the construction industry.

The training programme has been created as a reaction to the high level of demand by the construction industry for a course that will specifically cover this area. The demand for more training in occupational health risks is warranted, as working in the construction industry comes with significant risks. Statistics show that those who work in the construction industry have their chances of dying from work related ill-health in comparison to an accident by 100. Figures also show 76,000 work related cases of ill health and 5,500 new cases of occupational cancer cases from the construction industry alone, each year.

On construction and property development sites, the safety aspect of health and safety has been a priority for a long time, in order to cut the number of accidents and make sure that everyone behaves on site in a way that will cut down injuries and accidents. However now there is an increasing level of focus on the Health aspect, with increasing demand for more training to be carried out that will keep construction workers in good health, and from that, at work.

In order to create the training course, BOHS consulted with a range of experts from the industry and have also tested the course on personnel from the industry in order to make sure that it is on the standard required. The one day course has been designed for those who have a direct responsibility for Health and Safety on site. The training course covers ways to identify the most common health risks on site; then explores the different ways the risk can be controlled, and then understanding the measures that are required to control the common health risks present during construction activities.

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