Sally Thomas Has Been Appointed as the New Chief Executive Sally Thomas Has Been Appointed as the New Chief Executive

Sally Thomas Has Been Appointed as the New Chief Executive

Sally Thomas has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, or SFHA. Mary Taylor, the former Chief Executive of the Federation, has retired after seven years of working with the organisation. In this role, Sally will be leading the federation during a critical time for the Scottish housing market.

It is an important time for the property market and housing sector all over the UK, including in Scotland, with the increase in housing demand, meaning governments are pledging to build more and more houses, the uncertainty of Brexit looming, and the changes implemented for welfare reform that could have an effect on tenants and landlords. The Scottish Government has pledged to build 50,000 more affordable homes in the country, which will go a way to tackling the housing demand. The challenges that are being faced by the housing sector at the moment are also joined by a number of opportunities that could allow the sector to flourish. The increased number of houses expected to be built make way for housing for the poor and most vulnerable in Scotland as well as the opportunity to offer more trade apprenticeships.

Sally Thomas has worked for the Head of Community Investment at the North Star Housing Group, operating in the north east of England, before being seconded for a year to the Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust. During her secondment, Sally Thomas worked in the role of Director of Communities and was responsible for community investment and social purpose programmes.  

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In her new role, Sally will be working closely with SFHA members and stakeholders in order to make sure that they are in the right position of react to any challenges they may face as well as make the most of the opportunities that are made available.

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