LIA Council Of Management Was Handed Over to Dave Ribbons LIA Council Of Management Was Handed Over to Dave Ribbons

LIA Council Of Management Was Handed Over to Dave Ribbons

The role of President of the LIA Council of Management was handed over to Dave Ribbons at the LIA Annual Luncheon in May. Peter Scott of Fern-Howard has been mentoring the new President in the role before he steps down and hands the title over. Peter was thanked at the Luncheon for the work that he had put into the Trade Association during his time as president.

The Luncheon was held in May, and at the event Dave Ribbons of Luton EA Ltd officially took over the role. Dave has been seen as an integral part of Luton EA Ltd since joining in 2013. Through his work at Luton EA, Dave has been a leader and manager of a diverse range of teams as well as working in a range of different sectors including Specification, OEM, Distribution, R&D and Residential CI channels.  The wealth of experience will make Dave Ribbons a great asset to the Trade Association as he carries out his new role.

The LIA is the largest Trade Association for this sector in Europe and its members includes a range of different businesses including manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers and designers. The LIA and their members focus on delivering the highest level of professionalism throughout their operations.

Dave is a highly respected figure in the industry which means that he will have a great deal of support while President of the LIA Council of Management for the LIA. Dave is also a graduate of the Academy set up as a part of the Lighting Industry Association, and has the qualification which is currently known as the LIA Certificate Course. Dave has said that he is excited about his new role, and to be the President during a time period when the Trade Association is developing, Dave’s expertise and support from his colleagues will no doubt make his time as President as successful as his predecessor’s.

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