Liverpool Waterfront Apartment Plans Could Be Approved Liverpool Waterfront Apartment Plans Could Be Approved

Liverpool Waterfront Apartment Plans Could Be Approved

The plans to develop a new 16-storey waterfront apartment block with 383 new apartments in Liverpool is set to go up for approval next week, which could see the Strand House Building be replaced should the plans be accepted by Liverpool City Council’s planning committee.

The original plans for a part 11-storey part 25-storey building have been downsized due to the lack of support from the local authority officers, and should the new plans be accepted residents will also be treated to facilities such as a gym, cinema and roof terrace which will run alongside the newly created homes.

If the plans are given the go-ahead next week, the four-storey Strand House Building will be demolished by either FT Patten Properties Limited or Panacea Property Development, as both companies have put their names forward for the job on the building that is currently occupied by community and commercial tenants in Liverpool.

The council report has stated, “The interim head of planning is satisfied that the proposed apartments will add to the diversity of accommodation offer within the city, while the commercial units will contribute towards a sustainable mix of uses in an accessible location, benefiting the local economy, providing enhanced employment prospects and assisting the regeneration of the area.

“He is further satisfied that the development will not harm heritage assets or the outstanding universal value of the World Heritage Site. In design terms, the interim head of planning considers that the scheme would be an appropriate form of development within the area.

“The height, scale and design of the building will relate well to the surrounding environment and will be of sufficiently high quality to ensure it contributes positively to the area without any undue impact on existing heritage assets or local environment.”

So it looks likely that the plans could be given the green light when it goes before the planning committee on Tuesday 13th December, but we will have to wait until the official decision has been made for confirmation.

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