iStock 516359694 1 How to Keep Your Boiler in Great Condition Year-Round iStock 516359694 1 How to Keep Your Boiler in Great Condition Year-Round

How to Keep Your Boiler in Great Condition Year-Round

A well-maintained boiler not only keeps you warm and comfortable in winter — it also costs less to run and is significantly less likely to develop leaks, damaged components and other common problems.

Whether your goal is to save money or avoid last-minute calls to the boiler repair specialists, it’s always best to keep your boiler maintained and in top condition. Below, we’ve listed seven ways to keep your boiler in great condition in any season, from summer to the coolest days of winter.

Service your boiler regularly

Most modern boilers are designed to be serviced annually, making it important that you have a regular service scheduled at least once every year.

If you have insurance, your boiler might be covered under your policy. Otherwise, a wide range of specialist, Gas Safe certified engineers are available in most cities and towns throughout the UK to perform servicing on request.

Check your boiler’s connections

Your boiler needs to be connected to your home’s electricity and gas supplies in order to work properly. Every now and then, check the connections going into your boiler to be sure that it’s well connected and working efficiently.

It’s important to remember that bad gas and electricity connections don’t just negatively affect your boiler’s performance — in some cases, they can also create safety risks for you and other people in your home.

As well as the gas and electricity connections, it’s best to check the water lines that run into and out of your boiler, as these can be a common location for leaks.

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Choose a consistent temperature

Constantly adjusting the temperature of your boiler not only hurts your wallet — it also increases the level of wear on the boiler’s internal components, boosting your risk of dealing with a broken boiler or a damaged part.

Keep your home comfortable and your boiler in great condition by choosing “at home” and “not at home” temperatures, then sticking to them without making too many adjustments throughout the day.

Replace your old, energy-inefficient boiler

If your boiler is an older model, it’s often worth replacing it with a newer, more energy-efficient boiler. Doing so not only makes your home more comfortable through faster, more consistent heating — it can also help you reduce your carbon footprint and save money on energy.

As well as saving money and reducing your environmental impact, many modern boilers offer better reliability than older models. This means you’ll also cut down your risk of dealing with a broken boiler as temperatures drop and winter kicks into gear.

Clean the area outside the boiler

Boilers work best when they’re installed in clean, ventilated areas, making it important to keep the area around your boiler clean.

If your boiler is installed inside a cupboard or other enclosed space, check regularly to make sure that other items aren’t placed too close. Not only can clutter affect your boiler’s energy efficiency and performance — it can also be a major fire risk.

It’s also important to make sure you have quick, easy access to your boiler when required. If your boiler is installed in a cramped area of your home, make sure there’s nothing in the way that could prevent you from accessing your boiler on short notice.

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