Recycling Landmark Reached by The Sheehan Group Recycling Landmark Reached by The Sheehan Group

Recycling Landmark Reached by The Sheehan Group

The construction and recycling company The Sheehan Group has reached a landmark achievement recently, with celebrations for the company reaching 500,000 tonnes of waste saved from landfill in the UK. The company has invested in an advanced recycling plant in 2012 and since then has been taking construction and demolition waste, washing it and turning it into re-usable aggregate. This waste would have before been shipped to landfill, however, in order to be more sustainable, The Sheehan Group has invested in a water treatment facility to prepare the waste and use it again on construction sites.

Chris Sheehan, the Managing Director of the Sheehan Group has said that the company’s investment in the waste recycling plant was significant and a vital part of their sustainability strategy. The company have said that they are delighted to have reaches such a landmark.

With schemes to promote sustainability and ethical practices, such as the Considerate Constructors Scheme, more companies are looking for ways to give back and alter their practices for the benefit of the planet. The Sheehan Group have said that they have experienced a rise in the number of local companies working with them and purchasing the recycled aggregate.

The Sheehan Group have expressed their intention to remain at the forefront of the market for producing recyclable materials that can be used in construction and development. The Group employs more than 70 staff and is based in Oxfordshire. Working mainly on larger construction and civil engineering projects, such as country mansions and university buildings. In the past the company has worked at Tusmore House, and Queens College, located in Oxford.

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The Sheehan Group is the official partner of Oxford University and FORS, and is also CHAS accredited. Hopefully the company will continue on an upward tangent following the celebrations of this business milestone.

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