Mackwell LIA Certificate Course Outstanding Student for 2016 Has Been Announced Mackwell LIA Certificate Course Outstanding Student for 2016 Has Been Announced

Mackwell LIA Certificate Course Outstanding Student for 2016 Has Been Announced

The Mackwell LIA Certificate Course Outstanding Student for 2016 has been announced. The Lighting Industry Academy’s LIA Certificate was first developed in order to deliver an excellent ‘grounding in lighting’ to a wide audience. The Certificate has worked as a boost for a number of different people’s long and successful careers within the lighting industry.

It is said that the LIA Certificate aptly represents the philosophy of the Lighting Industry Academy. The Certificate also aligns itself with their sponsor, Mackwell. The sponsor of the LIA Certificate is a well-respected company that is one of the global lighting industry’s leading suppliers of technology solutions. Mackwell also emphasizes knowledge and training as part of their core ideals.

Each year, students are given the chance to submit their final project to be judged. This year there were more than one hundred and thirty entries for the certificate and the judges managed to whittle the projects down to five finalists.

This year’s finalists were: William Blows from Whitecroft Lighting; Carla Piatti of Glamox Luxo; Electric Centre’s Neil Postlethwaite; Jason Toland from A Division Blackpool Group and Simmtronic Ltd.’s Alex Walker. These finalists had to present their work on the 4th May to the judging panel. These presentations took place at the Academy, which is based in Telford. The judging panel this year included LIA Certificate Tutors Barrie Wilde and Paul Stearman.

The finalists were then invited to attend the LIA’s Annual Luncheon which took place on the 10th May. At this event the Mackwell Outstanding Student of the Year was announced. This award was given to Neil Postlethwaite from the Electric Centre. As a prize for this award, Neil was presented with a crystal LIA Certificate Award Bowl, a certificate and a cheque for £500. The runners up: Carla Piatti from Glamox Luxo and Alex Walker from Simmtronic Ltd were also given a crystal bowl and certificate. The runners up received a cheque for £250.

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