Pipeline Has Released Their Second Women Count Report Pipeline Has Released Their Second Women Count Report

Pipeline Has Released Their Second Women Count Report

The Pipeline, an organisation created in 2012 in order to offer high quality Executive Leadership programmes that have been designed especially for women and their organisations has released their second Women Count Report. The Women Count 2017 report looks into the statistics around female appointment in the FTSE 350 companies. Looking specifically at Executive Committees and profit and loss roles.

The results from this year research shows that there has been now change in the percentage of women on Executive Committees, staying at 16%. However the number of companies that have no women on the Committees or in Profit and loss roles has increased, meaning there has been a slight step back.

The Construction sector has performed disappointingly within the Women Count Breakdown, being below average in the number of female members of the Executive Committees and with profit and loss responsibilities of construction companies in the FTSE 350.

On the other side of the coin, the Electricity, Oil, Gas, Steam, Waste and Water sectors topped the table by having at least 25% of Committee members female, or in profit and loss roles in the companies.

The research has shown that the companies that require STEM based skills are improving their gender proportioning, therefore hopefully, with the use for STEM based skills in the construction industry, it is possible for this industry to perform better in the future.

The Pipeline works to offer a range of opportunities to women including Leadership programmes and aldo a variety of different advisory services that are well suited to CEOs, Executive Committees and Boards. There is a Government target for a 33% representation of women on FTSE 100 executive committees by 2020, which is looking doubtful with this years stagnant results, as more companies are focusing on Brexit than on making sure that they are offering the right opportunities for gender diversity.

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