hfs – Property & Development Magazine https://www.padmagazine.co.uk News & Reviews for the Residential Property Sector Wed, 31 Mar 2021 13:28:05 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://www.padmagazine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/favicon-pad-150x150.jpg hfs – Property & Development Magazine https://www.padmagazine.co.uk 32 32 HOME BUILDERS LOOK AHEAD TO LOCKDOWN LIFTING https://www.padmagazine.co.uk/coronavirus/home-builders-look-ahead-to-lockdown-lifting/ Wed, 31 Mar 2021 13:28:05 +0000 https://padmagazine.co.uk/?p=12016 Home builders : Non-essential maintenance work in homes allowed from 26 April. Scottish home builders are keenly awaiting…]]>

Home builders : Non-essential maintenance work in homes allowed from 26 April. Scottish home builders are keenly awaiting the planned 26 April lifting of restrictions which have prevented workers from entering customers’ homes for non-essential aftercare work during the latest lockdown and over a large part of the last year.

This is one of the top priorities for the Board of trade body Homes for Scotland (HFS), which met last week, coinciding with the positive news that the industry had achieved a record level of customer satisfaction with 91% of customers willing to recommend their builder to a friend.

HFS Chief Executive Nicola Barclay said:

“As every new home is a bespoke product, there will inevitably be some aftercare required but, for much of the last year, builders have been unable to undertake anything other than essential work in people’s homes.  “Our members tell us that customers have been extremely patient as they recognise the Scottish Government-imposed lockdown restrictions have been for their own safety, but the end of April really can’t come soon enough. Undeniably, there will be a backlog to work through, but our members are busy preparing for that challenge and are keen to resolve any outstanding issues for their customers as soon as they can.”

Property & Development Magazine

HOME BUILDERS WELCOME POLITICAL AMBITION ON HOUSING https://www.padmagazine.co.uk/planning-developments/home-builders-welcome-political-ambition-on-housing/ Tue, 30 Mar 2021 08:06:40 +0000 https://padmagazine.co.uk/?p=11997 HOME BUILDERS WELCOME POLITICAL AMBITION ON HOUSING Home Builders : Responding to housing announcements made by the Scottish…]]>


Home Builders : Responding to housing announcements made by the Scottish Conservatives and SNP, Homes for Scotland (HFS) Chief Executive Nicola Barclay said:

“2021 is a significant year for those involved in the housing sector, with huge policy implications emerging for the ongoing delivery of the new homes of all tenures that Scotland needs. 

“HFS welcomes the Scottish Conservatives’ clear statement of intent to deliver 25,000 homes of all tenures each year.  Home building is key to Scotland’s social and economic recovery from Covid-19 and, as called for in our own manifesto, we believe such an unequivocal target is fundamental to successful housing delivery outcomes, and that this should be embedded in decision-making across all portfolios and levels of government. “Together with the SNP’s pledge to build 100,000 affordable homes over the next decade, which has also been reiterated today by Nicola Sturgeon, it is great to see such ambition in housing at this election.”


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