IMG 6130 e1550831657228 1 Car park demolition accelerates plans for vibrant seaside town development IMG 6130 e1550831657228 1 Car park demolition accelerates plans for vibrant seaside town development

Car park demolition accelerates plans for vibrant seaside town development

The demolition of an outdated car park in Worthing, West Sussex has helped fast-track proposals for a major redevelopment of the area.

The local authority, Worthing Borough Council, had leased the 1960s car park situated on the privately owned land, known as Teville Gate. The site, which links Worthing Station with the town centre, has been the subject of redevelopment plans for more than a decade.

Permission to seek demolition was agreed by cabinet members to improve the appearance of the dilapidated site, cut high maintenance costs and encourage the progression of the proposed development plans.

Robinson Low Francis were brought in by Worthing Borough Council to manage the dismantle of the multi-storey car park and make way for a new temporary car park, which will generate a short-term income while the site’s private owner, Mosaic Capital Ltd, finalises its proposals for the plot it is calling ‘Station Square’.

IMG 3048 Car park demolition accelerates plans for vibrant seaside town development

Prior to demolition the site was cleared and secured by SafeSite Facilities. This included a number of challenges such as preventing access by squatters who had been residing in abandoned buildings on the site, clearing a large amount of waste, and stopping pedestrians trying to use the site as a cut-through. 444 metres of blue-painted timber hoarding was erected around the site perimeter and public access closed while the demolition work was carried out. Security guards patrolled the site 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Greig McGarva, Sales Team Leader, SafeSite Facilities said: “Securing the site was a challenge, not least because the area has been derelict for a number of years and there was an accumulation of waste to clear. We also had to adjust our timber works to fit the mix of groundworks, which includes a network of sewers, utilities pipework and a stream. Site safety is always our priority especially when we know that this kind of work can be an inconvenience for local people and the team worked tirelessly to complete the project on time and with as little disruption to the area as possible. The site has a complex planning history and, as a local company ourselves, we are just as keen as residents and other businesses to see the transformation of Teville Gate completed for the benefit of the whole community.”

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The developer’s vision for Station Square is to create a place for living, for businesses and for leisure on the most connected site in the town centre. The site’s private owners have declared their ambition for Station Square to become “Worthing’s most desirable residential address”, due for completion in 2020.

The plans have been the subject of extensive consultation and feedback from the community, borough council and other stakeholders has been incorporated. Mosaic is expected to submit an application for planning permission in early 2019.

IMG 3043 Car park demolition accelerates plans for vibrant seaside town development

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