7223530642 ee620c7d50 b 1 DMH Stallard is Pleased to Welcome a New Initiative of Design 7223530642 ee620c7d50 b 1 DMH Stallard is Pleased to Welcome a New Initiative of Design

DMH Stallard is Pleased to Welcome a New Initiative of Design

A company known as DMH Stallard, which itself is a division of the Brighton & Hove Albion conglomerate, is reportedly very pleased to welcome a new initiative to design and make major educational and residential habitations in the area of Lancing in West Sussex. This all-new initiative will enable a grand total of 600 new habitations to be built in the area as well as the inauguration of an all-new school. Additionally, the site will be the location of a new department store for interiors that will cover 35 thousand square meters of the West Sussex land, as well as allow for the building and construction of a large junction bypassing the A27. This initiative will form a cross-section of the business’ plan to invest in a 150 million pound scheme to improve the area of the New Monks Farm and the surrounding West Sussex community.

It is greatly hoped that this will contribute greatly to re-stabilizing the local economy and help to sustain its infrastructure for the future years to come. Employment opportunities will be widely available and the New Monks Farm area alone will be able to provide 430 new professions, an impressive amount for the area which has suffered levels of unemployment in the past before. Through this initiative, Mister Peter Rainier of DMH Stallard is demonstrably ecstatic that the plans are going ahead and have been eased with the help of the local council.

Indeed, citizens of the area and those with an interest in property and development schemes are warmly welcome to attend a public meeting that will take place in Shoreham over the weekend as well as on Wednesday the 1st day of February at the local Lancing Parish Hall. It is hoped that the event will generate wider interest in various projects taking place around the West Sussex community and that the scheme will attract new tourist revenue to the area.

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