Focus Consultants Working on a Development Which Will Create 22 New Homes Focus Consultants Working on a Development Which Will Create 22 New Homes

Focus Consultants Working on a Development Which Will Create 22 New Homes

Focus Consultants have been selected to work on a development which will create 22 new affordable homes for rental or shared ownership in Lincolnshire. The work is being carried out for Waterloo Housing Group and is the latest in a string of project which has seen the two companies working together.

The Boston office of Focus Consultants has been working with Waterloo Housing Group and ESHA to complete a development on Broadfield Lane in Boston. This project was completed ahead of schedule earlier this year and created 123 houses. The partnership is also involved in the ongoing work to complete 32 homes off Toot lane in Boston and the completed project to build 26 houses and apartments on Tytton Lane.

The Old Leake housing development will create a selection of one,two, three and four bedroomed houses all designed to be well proportioned. The homes available to rent or partially own in Old Leake as part of the development have also been advertised as having good access to parking. The development is being funded by the Homes and Communities Agency and the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership. The location for the new houses used to be a caravan and car park in the village that is about eight miles out of Boston.

Old Leake is an old village, with a Grade I listed Church, therefore it is important that the design and development of the new houses compliment the aesthetic in Old Leake. The partnership pan to make sure that the development blends in with the existing environment when they are completed.

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The development is expected to be finished in March of next year and will also include the partial demolition and remodelling of the White Hart public house which is situated next to the construction site. These alterations will be made in order to make space for a new access road to be created.

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