1826bd2a 5eb3 4301 9dea d5244891cb8e Winter warning: Drying laundry inside causes havoc on the home & health 1826bd2a 5eb3 4301 9dea d5244891cb8e Winter warning: Drying laundry inside causes havoc on the home & health

Winter warning: Drying laundry inside causes havoc on the home & health

Despite falling temperatures, Britons have been warned about the potential dangers of hanging laundry to dry inside due to the risk of mould.

Home insurance experts at Quotezone.co.uk have cautioned homeowners about drying clothes indoors, as it can pose a serious health risk. 

Each year, the NHS spends an estimated £1.4 billion on treating illnesses associated with living in cold or damp housing.

Mould exposure can cause allergic reactions including sneezing, a runny nose, skin rashes, asthma attacks, weight loss and in severe cases can lead to hospitalisation.

In winter, drying clothes outside becomes challenging and the reluctance to use a tumble dryer due to high energy costs leaves many to opt for air drying inside.

Hanging damp clothes to dry in the home releases moisture into the air and creates the ideal breeding ground for mould. 

Placing them on radiators or heated drying racks, which many do to speed up the drying process in the winter, is even riskier. 

Doing so can cause indoor pollution and increase the chances of dampness and mould by triggering condensation. 

Aside from the serious health ramifications of exposure, mould and dampness can be an expensive issue to tackle.

Once it begins, spores can travel to different parts of the property, and migrate through building materials, affecting other parts of the home like floors, ceilings and walls. 

Homeowners struggling with a mould problem could end up spending over £3000 to successfully treat it.  

Despite the colder weather, the experts are encouraging Brits to consider safer drying alternatives. 

Greg Wilson, Founder and CEO of Quotezone.co.uk, said: “Many people are completely unaware of the consequences of air drying clothes inside their homes. 

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“Using air dryers, radiators and heated drying racks indoors may seem like a good idea during the winter months, but it can pose a serious health risk.

“Wet clothes release moisture into the home as they start to dry which can develop into mould and damp, causing mild allergies, aggravating asthma or worse.

“Shockingly, it is estimated that the NHS spends an estimated 1.4 billion on treating illnesses associated with damp housing, so it is not an issue to be taken lightly. 

“Drying clothes in the winter can feel like an impossible task, especially with the weather in the UK.

“Ideally, homeowners should download a weather app and keep an eye out for dry days, even if it’s cloudy, to help at least start drying the clothes outside.

“If they do have to bring the clothes inside they could start them in the tumble dryer then finish them off on a drying rack – making sure the room is well ventilated, a dehumidifier can help to reduce moisture levels and promote airflow. 

“Mould and damp are not just expensive issues to fix, they are also very dangerous and, in many cases, possible to avoid. 

“If people need to make a claim on their home insurance due to mould or damp then the insurer is unlikely to cover them if the property is not well maintained or is damaged due to a lack of care.”

Quotezone.co.uk helps millions of households every year find savings on everything from energy bills to home insurance.

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